Seat Cafe Racer for Triumph since 2016 - Brown


Seat Brown Slim for Cafe Racer Triumph by Motone

Seat Cafe Racer Triumph since 2016 from the English brand Motone in the style of Cafe Racer.

This beautiful Seat slim, despite its ultra-compact size, allows for ideal comfort once on the Seat.

The Seat is built on a base of ABS injection-molded and made of high-density polyurethane foam 80 kg / m3 for maximum comfort during the ride.

This Seat Triumph, easy to install, will transform your motorcycle into a true Cafe Racer.

Seat Triumph compatible with models from 2016:

  • Street Twin
  • Street Cup
  • Street Scrambler
  • Bonneville T100
  • Bonneville T120
  • Speed Twin 900

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